I will never forget in 2003, when I moved to Dubai to join FP7 how supportive and accommodating you were until I managed to settle down and work with the team. I will not forget on my first New Year’s Eve away from my family, when you and Mona called me to invite me over, even though Mona said ‘ Julia, it’s nothing big, we will only get Pizza!’, it was the thought that made the world to me. Since 2003, You always challenged me, recognized my work, and cared for me like the big brother you are and always will be. You always had my back and were a phone call away. I will always carry your passion, your diligence, your genuineness , ethics, and elegance close to my heart.
Keep laughing my big brother, you left an amazing legacy.
Always in my prayers …
ربنا يرحمك و يعفو عنك و يجعل مآواك الجنة. انا لله و انا اليه راجعون.

امين يا رب العالمين